Saturday, March 24, 2012

Gift from him :)

I spotted this on top of my bed when I got home yesterday from Induksi in KK.
Zillion thanks to you for this gold plated tag! Love it to bits! Mwuah!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sweetcorn soup

OK, I had no idea how to make sweetcorn soup. I had google-ed looking for recipes but I can't seem to find a recipe where I have all the ingredients it mentioned. This is one trial-and-error I'm kinda proud of. Hahahha.

Jazzercise Fun!

I'm loving Jazzercise more and more! Not forget to mention my dearest instructor, Irene, who's an official jazzercise instructor (pssst! She's one of the 2 official jazzercise instructor in Sabah. Its not even in SDK yet!)

She made it even more fun by organising birthday parties once in 2 months! Just this Wednesday, we had the first birthday party and its a potluck kinda thing. Christina and I brought some small eggtarts and paper cups etc. What's make it happier is that other jazzercisers brought include creme brulee, fried chicken wings, macaroni, salad, etc. :D besides, we have games and stuffs with prizes! Guess what!? My team had won a RM10 voucher for each of us! We also have this Best Hat contest and trust me, I had made one myself but too bad, I was defeated by Dr Prem and Dr Thava. Wait till you get to see theirs! Oh and yes! The brinjal hat too! :( or else I can have a whole month of free lessons if I have won. Its okay though, theirs indeed look fabulous! :P

This is fun fun fun!! The next one, I heard it will gonna be Burlesque. Can't wait! :D