Thursday, February 11, 2010

Research project

I'm so proud of you ~! (Moja, 2010)

Moja, the joker of the class, was telling the above statement to anyone who had done everything regarding the research project including the hard-cover binding (he's really cute! haha. we know in real he's mimicking some lecturers of ours). Honestly, we are so happy when we finally got everything done despite the fact that we splurged like RM100 and more for printing and binding (as you know we have to prepare 4 sets with hard cover binding) not forgetting to mention i gotta had them laser printed with colors (to express the beauty of my results hehe). Anyone would like to have a look of my thesis? i am real proud of myself! hahaha. 

today is the day we had all  been waiting for :) the release of the thesis results. not even one of our supervisors had the results leaked (they can keep secrets really well!). we never thought that the results will be released today (last day before our Chinese New Year holidays). they once promised us that results will be coming out this week, but then they told us again saying that they would like us to enjoy our holidays before giving out the results -.-" obviously they are fooling us! 

guess what? my 128-pages of research paper got an A. yippie! :)

does my research paper look professional to you? LOL
u don't have to answer, 'cos i think it looks good! yahoo. =)

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