Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chinese New Year! :)

Happy chinese new year!
Hehe. I am finally back here, and blog =P well I was kinda reluctant, or procrastinate will be a better word I guess. To blog, I mean. I had just done with my midterm exams and I am officially freed! Well, by now, at least. Teehee.
I really enjoyed my CNY this year way back in hometown. I met up with a lot of friends! My schedule was so packed that I had ffk a few friends (if you were one of them and you’re reading, do accept my apology awww! You should have known that I didn’t mean it! Hehe). As friends from far and near went back to hometown, I guess I gotta spend time with friends from abroad rather than friends who’re staying in SDK instead (sounds mean huh? But I have too! Talk about time management, hehe).
I got back to hometown on Friday, guess you had read the frustrating post (check after this post otherwise). Yup, kinda free that very night, and still free on Saturday as my sis had reached hometown too! =P and tada, I got my baby! My first LV =) Neverfull MM. welcome honey! Hee.

That very night we just stayed at home after having our reunion dinner. After that, bro n sis went out secretively to get dad’s birthday cake. Yeah, hehe, its my dad’s birthday! In the Chinese calendar, dad’s birthday is 年三十. Yep, a birthday every 4 years! Hee. They got home with a variety of cakes slices, including tiramisu, yogurt, yogurt lemon or something, chocolate, oreo, and peach I think. They are awesome! We had a really great night! And we went to bed early that very night as we have to got up real early the next day for church service at 7am! :D

CNY Day 1
Yeppie! I got up and get myself ready (in a realllll quickkkk motion!) we’re rebuting toilet for clean up, before saying “Gong Hei Fat Choi” to daddy and mommy, not forgetting my brother hehe!
As usual, we went to church service which started at 7am (yeah, I DO celebrate CNY though I am a Christian hehe). The service is in chinese, and the church is decorated with CNY décors such as ang paos, 对联, and some CNY plants. Father who served the mass gave the homily in Hakka, yea. And guess what, he mentioned that gambling is allowed! Haha, just remember to donate to church if we are to win some =P of course, it continues by blessing of the mandarin oranges, and giving out angpaos to the kids =) I missed out this year -.-“ ‘cos too many teenagers rebut with me. =( how mean.
Lion dance after church service, hehe. But I can’t get to watch the whole thing, as we’re heading to Sandakan Hotel for dim sum =) but I caught up with Valentina (curious how she got her name? her birthday is on Valentine’s Day which is that same day!)

We headed to Sepilok Resort (mom’s friend) as we have nowhere to go. *Sadly no angpao aaaaaaahhhhhh*

Lou sang during that very night! =) had a scrumptious meal inclusive of lobster with mee. Lol! (place: Sandakan famous Ocean King)

This follows by yumcha session with my sec-school friends and lami session later.

CNY Day 2
Wakey wakey! =) got up early too (er, around 12 due to late lami session). Pay a visit to my buddy’s place, and join my sec-school before heading to my relatives place.
Guess what? This year we all have a new toy heheh. Allow me to introduce my cousie’s daughter, Ching Ching.

She is really cute you know? U ask her to follow you to talk, she’ll do that. I ask her to call me leng lui, and she really will. Hehe, I pointed to my brother and ask Ching Ching, is he fat? She will then gladly answer, FAT. Hehe. She likes to play with babies, and my auntie taught her to say “D叫妈咪生返一个来”. And she did scream to her mom! Lol.

Owh, not forgetting the beautiful pork. Gosh, it tasted so much better when you eat with ur hands right after it is chopped!

Lami session again at night T_T and I had ffk my gathering with my sec-school friends. Sobs. Nvm, I win money LOL. =)

CNY Day 3
My open house day! Got up, help cleaning the house a bit (a bit only, as I woke up late also hehe) and waited for my friends to reach.

Nothing much was done on Day 3, but went to a very nice yumcha place in Sandakan which is also known as Ba Lin or the rooftop café during the night with my sec-schoolmates. A few pics found online just to give you a brief idea how it looks like.

Courtesy to, whoever who posted this lol.
I then continue with lami again. =)

CNY Day 4

Met up with Wahap for lunch and met another friend which is coincidentally whom Wahap had dated. Er, very confusing, nevermind, nothing major. =P got home, drag Timothy my friend out for lami at home -_- its Ash Wednesday that very day, which is supposed to be fast and abstinence, lol. Okay, shush!
At night, I was invited to a gathering with all my primary school classmates! It is fun you know? My ex-classmate she took out her autograph, and we started to laugh at what we had written earlier on her autograph. I was the laughing stock  -_- and I cant believe I had written the following poem:
Wood is kayu,
Egg is telur,
When I tidur,
I remember you.
Omgawd. How lame it is. HAHAHAHA.
and now i was teased. :(

CNY Day 5 

The CNY mood started to dim as my sister returned to Singapore =( I join San and Michelle on their “jalan-jalan cari makan” trip. Hehe, we started off with ah soon chicken rice! Yummy! Must try in Sandakan =)

And we went to pharmacy (the pharmacy I used to work in), where San wanted to have her ears pierced. LOL. Her first time.

And I get to visit Michelle’s house! Really huge and nice! Wee. No pics, paiseh. But her Rottweiler really cute too! Hee.

We continue our makan journey in Mile 4 for Chicken wings! Must try item, orite? RM16 for 10s =)

I met up with Suet Ying in the night for girl’s talk session hehe, as usual, she’s my bestie! She brought me to this café who serves real nice Avocado juice!

Hehe. Can’t really get that in West I think, do let me know if you get to know any.

CNY Day 6
Happy day it is! Drag Timothy for egg-tarts! These egg tarts are something to die for!

p/s: timothy is my childhood friend where we used to play with each other since we were born! Teehee.

i know i am really cute that time when i was 4 years old. :)

(He's too shy, lol)

Steamboat for dinner, and yumcha with Cyrus didi and Edwin before lami and supper session. Too lazy to describe, but overall, I am super happy on this day LOL. As I jumped from a gang of friend to another gang of friend non stop. =) not forgetting to mention that I had won some money on the lami session LOL.

 Another new yumcha place in Sandakan. =) kinda great.
And now I got my ass back to Cyberjaya. And exams over, but I cant fly back for lami. T_T
thanks to all my friends, family, relatives for giving me a memorable CNY! happy CNY to all! :)

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