Friday, February 12, 2010

My day could not be any more worse.

Today is Friday, which is the day i'm heading back to hometown.
it supposed to be a very happy day but...

i got everything packed and waited for Kenny to come over to pick me. We went for lunch in The Walk (our favorite spot) and order our favorite dish. For God's sake, the chicken in Crispy Fried Chicken Rice is not as huge as usual, which is kinda of disappointing. 

well, it couldn't be that bad, i mean, just meal. :)

next, we headed to LCCT. you know usually there are two flight time from KLto SDK, which is 0715am and 1745pm. however, the ticket i had bought earlier, it is stated as 1430pm,  i reckon they had another flight added in as its the peak season. so, well you know, fine then. we started our journey from Cyber to LCCT at 1455pm and we take our own sweet time driving. :)

everything started with my contact lens. i had no idea what's happening but my cons are fine when i'm in the car. dear insisted to accompany me for check-in and stuff, so we parked our car at the car park. the car park is real full! when we finally got ourselves a parking lot, it is kinda far away and its super hot under the sun! no choice :(

just when i was about to step out from the car after i opened the car door, i felt slight discomfort in both of my eyes, i guess some dust/whatever particles invaded both of my eyes. -.-" fine. i get off, and it is so effing hot outside. i get Kenny to blow, and i guess he blew real hard ('cos there's once he blew really soft and wtf, how the dust gonna get out if he's to blow softly. i commented that time, and here he is this time).

and tada. my contact lens dropped and had gone to nowhere. -.-" 

first surprise of the day. T_T

i removed the another one, and dumped it (yeah, i did not bring any extra contact lens with me back to hometown :( ) and started to wear my glasses. 

when i reached inside, i was checking which counter i should proceed to for check-in.
tada, second surprise. i cant't find my 1630pm flight to SDK! wtf. what i can see is only 1725pm flight to SDK. i was really astonished that time, you know. bad thoughts kept coming in, would it be my flight is canceled? would it be i clicked on the wrong destination? would it be another date? what do i do if i cant get home for CNY? what if they do not have a space for me in 1725pm flight? T_T

i started to panic, and i get some AirAsia crew to answer me why the hell my 1430pm is not there on the screen. :( he kept assuring me to go to that counter with 1725pm flight. and i insisted my flight is 1630 :(
i was told to go to some other counters, and they checked with me. luckily i save my booking number n they check for me. he said," time changed, please check in for the 1725pm one".


ok lor. at least better than cannot get home, at all.
meanwhile, i'm still worry about my contact lens, afraid that it go into another side of my eyeballs :( dear and i went back to our parking space to look around to see if the contact lens had dropped off there. Voila! i found it hehehee. yeah, i agree that i am real brilliant. ;) so i can stop worrying about my cons get stuck in my eyeballs (as i experienced that once before =p)

to cut all the crap, my 3rd surprise is that..
i am sitting at the last row of the plane wtf. and you know? the last row seats are not adjustable. -.-" so i was sitting straight along this 2 hours and 45 minutes wtf
not to mention i am sitting in the middle, which means i have nothing to lean on without kacau-ing the other two passengers beside me. :(

to my surprise, there's alot of people waiting to go to the toilet in this flight (i never know Sandakan people really that "keen" in going to toilet). well, i was sitting right most behind, so its near to the toilet, which is a good thing. i waited till its available, and i get my way to the toilet. while in the toilet, i heard the sound of where they remind all passengers to put on their seatbelts. just right after that, there's an announcement made, asking all the passengers to remain seated with their seatbelts, and the whole plane become shaky, i guess its the clouds or something. it lasted quite some time, you know. i was thinking to wait the plane to return stable only i continue. but it goes continuously, and announcement made saying "you are not advised to go to the toilet right now" yada yada yada

i was like, wtf. im still in the effing toilet! ahhhhh! i quickly get my business done and went out. so malu :(


now im home. im grateful nothing big happened. :D

Phew, what a day. :)

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