Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chap Goh Meh =P

It’s the weekend! =) too bad, Kenny has some kind of extra classes during the weekends, so I was forced to sacrifice my class outings  =( that’s a real excuse, alright.
It’s been a movie weekend I shall say. I had caught a couple of movies in this week, where it includes:
  •           Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (this is better than I expected I should say, far better. I was thinking it might turn out to be something like dragonball which is really sucked. But it’s not, not forget to mention there’s some funny scenes inside)
  •           Little Big  Soldier (I never really like all these kinds of movie, even 14 blades, I am not really keen in watching but Kenny insisted so we’re going to watch it anyway but not this week. But this, of course, funny scenes are there too since Jackie Chan is there so well, yeah. But the ending really sad, really. This is another real good Chinese movie despite the fact that I hate Mandarin movies. Hehehehhee.)
  •          Wolfman (this sucks man. The werewolf in moonlight is so much nicer and yeng-er. Bad one. Wasted my money, and homosapiens are not concentrating in it where they walk in and out in and out.)
  •           Valentine’s Day (well not as good as what I had expected, too. But overall, it is way better than wolfman! There’s too many characters I think, that is why the changing of scenes are quick, and confusing where it turns out everybody is related hehe. Taylor Swift's role in this movie is really kaypohhhhhh. hehehhe. )
  •           The Book of Eli (this movie started as something like viruses or something, ‘cos I hadn’t check what’s the synopsis is all about. But it turns out to be some post-apocalypse movies where there’s only 1 Bible left in the world. This is a really meaningful story, to me, where people wanted to retain the only one copy of Bible for some bad reasons. Eli…. Alright I shouldn’t be talking or telling. Probably you should just check the synopsis instead. But overall, it is also a good movie despite the boredom and confusion during the starting. Other than that, I was really touched and moved with the ending. Definitely worth watching)

We give a try on Paddington’s House of Pancakes since we’re out of idea where to have our dinner. So yeah, there we are.

We tried on Budapest and er, I don’t remember the names of the dish but here they are.

Nonetheless, the pancakes are really appetizing hehehe! (but in money-worth aspect, you probably don’t think so, ‘cos it looks like normal American breakfast LOL. But anyhow, the pancakes are really nice! =) worth trying, but probably not these dishes, again. Hehe. ‘cos the another dish looked like a dish I used to eat in ZhuHai where they have pancakes fried with egg and vegetables? where they have it for breakfast? Hehe yeah, its true. =P
and yea! their fajitos tasted so much better! even better than chilli's! hehe

Ikea is having a sale right now! And they have this new dish which is BBQ Chicken + Chips + Princess Cake + Mineral Water. We have this sudden cravings of ikea food and tada, here we are. We cannot make up choices and not really willing to share our portion of meatballs and chicken wings, here’s the results.

Hehe. I thought we cannot finish this whole lot, but at last we did. Yeay!
b.t.w., have you ever seen this signboard?

I think only like 10% of Malaysians actually see this sign, as those Malaysians I usually see, they don’t, they never clear their own tables. What they know how to do is to push away their finished meal to some other tables which is already filled with those finished food. And what they know is to call out for the waiter, and ask them to clear the table instead of clearing it themselves. Well, Kenny and I used to clear the table before us, and after (good one, huh. Keke. Give me some credits, please do) I don’t know about this actually, but my first time to Ikea, it is in Singapore, and the Singaporeans there they HAVE to clean their own table, and that’s how I have this habit too.
Well, do your own part from now on when you head to Ikea for their mouth-watering meal! =) afterall, everything is about Go Green in Ikea! Initiate it by starting from your own self! (okay, I’ll start to do my part from now on hoho~!)
p/s: but what the waiters are going to do if  they don’t clean the tables? Hmmm. =D 
nice huh? :) Happy Chap Goh Meh everybody :)

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