Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chap Goh Meh =P

It’s the weekend! =) too bad, Kenny has some kind of extra classes during the weekends, so I was forced to sacrifice my class outings  =( that’s a real excuse, alright.
It’s been a movie weekend I shall say. I had caught a couple of movies in this week, where it includes:
  •           Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (this is better than I expected I should say, far better. I was thinking it might turn out to be something like dragonball which is really sucked. But it’s not, not forget to mention there’s some funny scenes inside)
  •           Little Big  Soldier (I never really like all these kinds of movie, even 14 blades, I am not really keen in watching but Kenny insisted so we’re going to watch it anyway but not this week. But this, of course, funny scenes are there too since Jackie Chan is there so well, yeah. But the ending really sad, really. This is another real good Chinese movie despite the fact that I hate Mandarin movies. Hehehehhee.)
  •          Wolfman (this sucks man. The werewolf in moonlight is so much nicer and yeng-er. Bad one. Wasted my money, and homosapiens are not concentrating in it where they walk in and out in and out.)
  •           Valentine’s Day (well not as good as what I had expected, too. But overall, it is way better than wolfman! There’s too many characters I think, that is why the changing of scenes are quick, and confusing where it turns out everybody is related hehe. Taylor Swift's role in this movie is really kaypohhhhhh. hehehhe. )
  •           The Book of Eli (this movie started as something like viruses or something, ‘cos I hadn’t check what’s the synopsis is all about. But it turns out to be some post-apocalypse movies where there’s only 1 Bible left in the world. This is a really meaningful story, to me, where people wanted to retain the only one copy of Bible for some bad reasons. Eli…. Alright I shouldn’t be talking or telling. Probably you should just check the synopsis instead. But overall, it is also a good movie despite the boredom and confusion during the starting. Other than that, I was really touched and moved with the ending. Definitely worth watching)

We give a try on Paddington’s House of Pancakes since we’re out of idea where to have our dinner. So yeah, there we are.

We tried on Budapest and er, I don’t remember the names of the dish but here they are.

Nonetheless, the pancakes are really appetizing hehehe! (but in money-worth aspect, you probably don’t think so, ‘cos it looks like normal American breakfast LOL. But anyhow, the pancakes are really nice! =) worth trying, but probably not these dishes, again. Hehe. ‘cos the another dish looked like a dish I used to eat in ZhuHai where they have pancakes fried with egg and vegetables? where they have it for breakfast? Hehe yeah, its true. =P
and yea! their fajitos tasted so much better! even better than chilli's! hehe

Ikea is having a sale right now! And they have this new dish which is BBQ Chicken + Chips + Princess Cake + Mineral Water. We have this sudden cravings of ikea food and tada, here we are. We cannot make up choices and not really willing to share our portion of meatballs and chicken wings, here’s the results.

Hehe. I thought we cannot finish this whole lot, but at last we did. Yeay!
b.t.w., have you ever seen this signboard?

I think only like 10% of Malaysians actually see this sign, as those Malaysians I usually see, they don’t, they never clear their own tables. What they know how to do is to push away their finished meal to some other tables which is already filled with those finished food. And what they know is to call out for the waiter, and ask them to clear the table instead of clearing it themselves. Well, Kenny and I used to clear the table before us, and after (good one, huh. Keke. Give me some credits, please do) I don’t know about this actually, but my first time to Ikea, it is in Singapore, and the Singaporeans there they HAVE to clean their own table, and that’s how I have this habit too.
Well, do your own part from now on when you head to Ikea for their mouth-watering meal! =) afterall, everything is about Go Green in Ikea! Initiate it by starting from your own self! (okay, I’ll start to do my part from now on hoho~!)
p/s: but what the waiters are going to do if  they don’t clean the tables? Hmmm. =D 
nice huh? :) Happy Chap Goh Meh everybody :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chinese New Year! :)

Happy chinese new year!
Hehe. I am finally back here, and blog =P well I was kinda reluctant, or procrastinate will be a better word I guess. To blog, I mean. I had just done with my midterm exams and I am officially freed! Well, by now, at least. Teehee.
I really enjoyed my CNY this year way back in hometown. I met up with a lot of friends! My schedule was so packed that I had ffk a few friends (if you were one of them and you’re reading, do accept my apology awww! You should have known that I didn’t mean it! Hehe). As friends from far and near went back to hometown, I guess I gotta spend time with friends from abroad rather than friends who’re staying in SDK instead (sounds mean huh? But I have too! Talk about time management, hehe).
I got back to hometown on Friday, guess you had read the frustrating post (check after this post otherwise). Yup, kinda free that very night, and still free on Saturday as my sis had reached hometown too! =P and tada, I got my baby! My first LV =) Neverfull MM. welcome honey! Hee.

That very night we just stayed at home after having our reunion dinner. After that, bro n sis went out secretively to get dad’s birthday cake. Yeah, hehe, its my dad’s birthday! In the Chinese calendar, dad’s birthday is 年三十. Yep, a birthday every 4 years! Hee. They got home with a variety of cakes slices, including tiramisu, yogurt, yogurt lemon or something, chocolate, oreo, and peach I think. They are awesome! We had a really great night! And we went to bed early that very night as we have to got up real early the next day for church service at 7am! :D

CNY Day 1
Yeppie! I got up and get myself ready (in a realllll quickkkk motion!) we’re rebuting toilet for clean up, before saying “Gong Hei Fat Choi” to daddy and mommy, not forgetting my brother hehe!
As usual, we went to church service which started at 7am (yeah, I DO celebrate CNY though I am a Christian hehe). The service is in chinese, and the church is decorated with CNY décors such as ang paos, 对联, and some CNY plants. Father who served the mass gave the homily in Hakka, yea. And guess what, he mentioned that gambling is allowed! Haha, just remember to donate to church if we are to win some =P of course, it continues by blessing of the mandarin oranges, and giving out angpaos to the kids =) I missed out this year -.-“ ‘cos too many teenagers rebut with me. =( how mean.
Lion dance after church service, hehe. But I can’t get to watch the whole thing, as we’re heading to Sandakan Hotel for dim sum =) but I caught up with Valentina (curious how she got her name? her birthday is on Valentine’s Day which is that same day!)

We headed to Sepilok Resort (mom’s friend) as we have nowhere to go. *Sadly no angpao aaaaaaahhhhhh*

Lou sang during that very night! =) had a scrumptious meal inclusive of lobster with mee. Lol! (place: Sandakan famous Ocean King)

This follows by yumcha session with my sec-school friends and lami session later.

CNY Day 2
Wakey wakey! =) got up early too (er, around 12 due to late lami session). Pay a visit to my buddy’s place, and join my sec-school before heading to my relatives place.
Guess what? This year we all have a new toy heheh. Allow me to introduce my cousie’s daughter, Ching Ching.

She is really cute you know? U ask her to follow you to talk, she’ll do that. I ask her to call me leng lui, and she really will. Hehe, I pointed to my brother and ask Ching Ching, is he fat? She will then gladly answer, FAT. Hehe. She likes to play with babies, and my auntie taught her to say “D叫妈咪生返一个来”. And she did scream to her mom! Lol.

Owh, not forgetting the beautiful pork. Gosh, it tasted so much better when you eat with ur hands right after it is chopped!

Lami session again at night T_T and I had ffk my gathering with my sec-school friends. Sobs. Nvm, I win money LOL. =)

CNY Day 3
My open house day! Got up, help cleaning the house a bit (a bit only, as I woke up late also hehe) and waited for my friends to reach.

Nothing much was done on Day 3, but went to a very nice yumcha place in Sandakan which is also known as Ba Lin or the rooftop café during the night with my sec-schoolmates. A few pics found online just to give you a brief idea how it looks like.

Courtesy to, whoever who posted this lol.
I then continue with lami again. =)

CNY Day 4

Met up with Wahap for lunch and met another friend which is coincidentally whom Wahap had dated. Er, very confusing, nevermind, nothing major. =P got home, drag Timothy my friend out for lami at home -_- its Ash Wednesday that very day, which is supposed to be fast and abstinence, lol. Okay, shush!
At night, I was invited to a gathering with all my primary school classmates! It is fun you know? My ex-classmate she took out her autograph, and we started to laugh at what we had written earlier on her autograph. I was the laughing stock  -_- and I cant believe I had written the following poem:
Wood is kayu,
Egg is telur,
When I tidur,
I remember you.
Omgawd. How lame it is. HAHAHAHA.
and now i was teased. :(

CNY Day 5 

The CNY mood started to dim as my sister returned to Singapore =( I join San and Michelle on their “jalan-jalan cari makan” trip. Hehe, we started off with ah soon chicken rice! Yummy! Must try in Sandakan =)

And we went to pharmacy (the pharmacy I used to work in), where San wanted to have her ears pierced. LOL. Her first time.

And I get to visit Michelle’s house! Really huge and nice! Wee. No pics, paiseh. But her Rottweiler really cute too! Hee.

We continue our makan journey in Mile 4 for Chicken wings! Must try item, orite? RM16 for 10s =)

I met up with Suet Ying in the night for girl’s talk session hehe, as usual, she’s my bestie! She brought me to this café who serves real nice Avocado juice!

Hehe. Can’t really get that in West I think, do let me know if you get to know any.

CNY Day 6
Happy day it is! Drag Timothy for egg-tarts! These egg tarts are something to die for!

p/s: timothy is my childhood friend where we used to play with each other since we were born! Teehee.

i know i am really cute that time when i was 4 years old. :)

(He's too shy, lol)

Steamboat for dinner, and yumcha with Cyrus didi and Edwin before lami and supper session. Too lazy to describe, but overall, I am super happy on this day LOL. As I jumped from a gang of friend to another gang of friend non stop. =) not forgetting to mention that I had won some money on the lami session LOL.

 Another new yumcha place in Sandakan. =) kinda great.
And now I got my ass back to Cyberjaya. And exams over, but I cant fly back for lami. T_T
thanks to all my friends, family, relatives for giving me a memorable CNY! happy CNY to all! :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

My day could not be any more worse.

Today is Friday, which is the day i'm heading back to hometown.
it supposed to be a very happy day but...

i got everything packed and waited for Kenny to come over to pick me. We went for lunch in The Walk (our favorite spot) and order our favorite dish. For God's sake, the chicken in Crispy Fried Chicken Rice is not as huge as usual, which is kinda of disappointing. 

well, it couldn't be that bad, i mean, just meal. :)

next, we headed to LCCT. you know usually there are two flight time from KLto SDK, which is 0715am and 1745pm. however, the ticket i had bought earlier, it is stated as 1430pm,  i reckon they had another flight added in as its the peak season. so, well you know, fine then. we started our journey from Cyber to LCCT at 1455pm and we take our own sweet time driving. :)

everything started with my contact lens. i had no idea what's happening but my cons are fine when i'm in the car. dear insisted to accompany me for check-in and stuff, so we parked our car at the car park. the car park is real full! when we finally got ourselves a parking lot, it is kinda far away and its super hot under the sun! no choice :(

just when i was about to step out from the car after i opened the car door, i felt slight discomfort in both of my eyes, i guess some dust/whatever particles invaded both of my eyes. -.-" fine. i get off, and it is so effing hot outside. i get Kenny to blow, and i guess he blew real hard ('cos there's once he blew really soft and wtf, how the dust gonna get out if he's to blow softly. i commented that time, and here he is this time).

and tada. my contact lens dropped and had gone to nowhere. -.-" 

first surprise of the day. T_T

i removed the another one, and dumped it (yeah, i did not bring any extra contact lens with me back to hometown :( ) and started to wear my glasses. 

when i reached inside, i was checking which counter i should proceed to for check-in.
tada, second surprise. i cant't find my 1630pm flight to SDK! wtf. what i can see is only 1725pm flight to SDK. i was really astonished that time, you know. bad thoughts kept coming in, would it be my flight is canceled? would it be i clicked on the wrong destination? would it be another date? what do i do if i cant get home for CNY? what if they do not have a space for me in 1725pm flight? T_T

i started to panic, and i get some AirAsia crew to answer me why the hell my 1430pm is not there on the screen. :( he kept assuring me to go to that counter with 1725pm flight. and i insisted my flight is 1630 :(
i was told to go to some other counters, and they checked with me. luckily i save my booking number n they check for me. he said," time changed, please check in for the 1725pm one".


ok lor. at least better than cannot get home, at all.
meanwhile, i'm still worry about my contact lens, afraid that it go into another side of my eyeballs :( dear and i went back to our parking space to look around to see if the contact lens had dropped off there. Voila! i found it hehehee. yeah, i agree that i am real brilliant. ;) so i can stop worrying about my cons get stuck in my eyeballs (as i experienced that once before =p)

to cut all the crap, my 3rd surprise is that..
i am sitting at the last row of the plane wtf. and you know? the last row seats are not adjustable. -.-" so i was sitting straight along this 2 hours and 45 minutes wtf
not to mention i am sitting in the middle, which means i have nothing to lean on without kacau-ing the other two passengers beside me. :(

to my surprise, there's alot of people waiting to go to the toilet in this flight (i never know Sandakan people really that "keen" in going to toilet). well, i was sitting right most behind, so its near to the toilet, which is a good thing. i waited till its available, and i get my way to the toilet. while in the toilet, i heard the sound of where they remind all passengers to put on their seatbelts. just right after that, there's an announcement made, asking all the passengers to remain seated with their seatbelts, and the whole plane become shaky, i guess its the clouds or something. it lasted quite some time, you know. i was thinking to wait the plane to return stable only i continue. but it goes continuously, and announcement made saying "you are not advised to go to the toilet right now" yada yada yada

i was like, wtf. im still in the effing toilet! ahhhhh! i quickly get my business done and went out. so malu :(


now im home. im grateful nothing big happened. :D

Phew, what a day. :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Research project

I'm so proud of you ~! (Moja, 2010)

Moja, the joker of the class, was telling the above statement to anyone who had done everything regarding the research project including the hard-cover binding (he's really cute! haha. we know in real he's mimicking some lecturers of ours). Honestly, we are so happy when we finally got everything done despite the fact that we splurged like RM100 and more for printing and binding (as you know we have to prepare 4 sets with hard cover binding) not forgetting to mention i gotta had them laser printed with colors (to express the beauty of my results hehe). Anyone would like to have a look of my thesis? i am real proud of myself! hahaha. 

today is the day we had all  been waiting for :) the release of the thesis results. not even one of our supervisors had the results leaked (they can keep secrets really well!). we never thought that the results will be released today (last day before our Chinese New Year holidays). they once promised us that results will be coming out this week, but then they told us again saying that they would like us to enjoy our holidays before giving out the results -.-" obviously they are fooling us! 

guess what? my 128-pages of research paper got an A. yippie! :)

does my research paper look professional to you? LOL
u don't have to answer, 'cos i think it looks good! yahoo. =)

Chinese New Year preparation :)

Chinese New Year (CNY) is just around the corner! :) can't wait to get home and gather with my family and close friends in my hometown, hee. 
despite the fact that i will be only going back for 1 week, my luggage is now already full, and i reckon i will be having a few of hand-carry with those bak-kwa, Chi-ku (Nga-ku here, i'm used to calling it Chi-Ku though Jacy reminded me it sounded funny, but indeed it is named as that! 茨菇~), and some ikea curtains (which is rolled and difficult to stuff into my luggage, too long =(
i just hope i don't look like some auntie from the faraway land bringing salted fish and sausages wtf. (i wont i guess =p)
my luggage is really full! bringing things back for mom, susan, sis, and everyone! hope they like what i got for them! :)
its the first time i got so many things back home and you know what, i am really thrilled about it! hehe, and my savings are all used up! T_T now Ah-Lun's golden quote on "never contribute" cannot apply on me anymore! yahoo. :)
can't wait! :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

FullHouse, Niu Ze Xui.

This week dear and I went to have our dinner in FullHouse, Niu Ze Xui (wtf. I always can’t type Niu Ze Xui properly, the Z and X always confused me). After seeing all the pictures my friends posted in facebook, we decided to give it a try.

Fullhouse Lifestyle Store and Café.

Alright, here we are

yes, it surprised me how scary it looks from the outlook. ahem, i didn't exactly mean this restaurant, but Niu Ze Xui indeed is a place with not much homosapiens around.

Alright, FullHouse is quite well-known with its décor, but honestly we never heard of any comments about the food.

Here’s the entrance.

Yeap, great décor they have, and guess what, they are for sale :)

White biri-biri and I. :D *cute huh?*

I insisted to go to the 2nd floor though Kenny was pouting (okay I didn’t exactly see that but I can FEEL that he’s doing it hee. He always prefers outdoor ‘cos you-know-what). But not today, I guess, it’s a lifestyle store and café! What’s the point u’re just sitting outdoor? DO EXPLORE. :D

Whole lot of thing-for-sale behind him.

View from 2nd floor =)

The mug pad or whatever-you-call-it.

Honeydew milk-shake, I seriously love it! Or I should say, we love it! Hehe. But gosh, you can get it from Pasar Malam for only RM2.20 la.

I know I look friggin’ nuisance with this pair of spec. ha-ha. Dang it, it actually accentuates my eyes! Don’t you think I have real big eyes with this spec LOL.

Alfredo spaghetti. Whattafak. Nothing special, I can make something like that, okay? Just get ready an alfredo sauce and that’s it. Disappointing.

Chicken. Not bad, especially the gravy.

FullHouse sandwich wtf. Super disappointing! My dear can make sandwiches way better than this, okay? Not to mention about my mom’s sandwiches! I used to think that sandwiches are easy to prepare, I mean, they are still tasty no matter how cincai you made them. I once tried Chilli’s sandwiches during my 2nd date with Kenny (Aww…) and that’s real superb! I thought its nothing, I mean, nothing (‘cos sandwiches SHOULD be easy to be made and NICE to eat). But alas, this sandwich is the @#%#^ I had ever eaten! I should have ordered Ramly Burger instead (if they have la).

I know la, I should not be expecting much with the price I pay (I’m saying that the price is reasonable okay, can get any main dish less than RM20 except steak rib sirloin). But hello, I’m still paying! And still, I think Garden’s Café, The Curve is way better (cut out the fact that they don’t know how to differentiate pepper and black pepper and they never grind their black pepper wtf) but overall, they are still ahead.

Look at him, as if somebody just forcefully stuff those food down his throat. =P

Done with the dinner, and time to walk around :)

Nice fitting room :) we never thought that this is the fitting room as there’s a shower head in it. Yes, you hear me right. But definitely not working. Haha. But the whole design is like a shower room. Then dear started asking, why on earth there this full-length mirror in this shower room?

There, I finally figured it out with all the apparels they are selling there. :)

Yup, jewelleries are sold here too.

Hee. Something cute spotted!

We come in peace! Errrrg!

Front view of the restaurant.

Overall, satisfied with the décor, but disappointed with the food. Oh right, did i tell you i even fed the mos-kee-tos over there? Good gracious me! there's mosquitoes in this restaurant! -_- nuff said. once and for all.

Here I end my post with this cute girl.

p/s: the cute girl I was referring is the 3D one. =D LOL!